April 27-April 29
This is a short week, as students are not in school Thursday or Friday. Short stories are due this week for both grade 9 and 9/10. I would appreciate them passed in on-line, griffroa@nbed.nb.ca
Please have in by Friday midnight, May 1st.
Grade 9:
We are continuing with Touching Spirit Bear. Questions for chapter 15:
1. What did most members of the Circle believe should happen to Cole?
2. What information did Peter Driscal's lawyer reveal about his recovery?
3. Describe Edwin's demonstration for the circle?
4. What lesson did Edwin want the Circle members to gain from his demonstration?
5. Tell about Peter Driscal's lawyer's reaction when Cole insisted he had seen the Spirit Bear?
6. What new information regarding the white bears did Edwin reveal?
7. What conditions for returning to the island did Edwin suggest to the members of Circle Justice?
8. Why did Cole say that on the Island he "realized he was dying and I had never really even lived yet"? (Pg 132)
9. Why was Cole's father so angry and abusive?
10. What did Circle Justice decide to do with Cole?
Chapter 16 Questions:
1. Cole struggles physically with tasks that should be simple, why?
2. What news does Garvey break to Cole once they are back on the island?
3. What does Edwin do to the skiff that demonstrates a lack of trust for Cole?
4. What does Cole learn about trust?
5. Why is "the whole world a hotdog?"
6. What are the words to the friendship song Garvey and Edwin were humming?
7. Describe how Garvey's meal was different from Cole's'.
8. What did Edwin tell Cole to celebrate when Cole complained about nothing to celebrate about?
Chapter Seventeen
1. What kept Cole awake all night his first night back on the island?
2. What new experience did Edwin introduce Cole to at dawn? Why?
3. Describe Edwin's demonstration for Cole with the stick. What lesson did he want Cole to learn?
4. What do happiness and anger have in common? They are both a ____________.
5. Cole told Edwin that his demonstration with the stick made more sense than all the weird things the counselors and psychologists told him. Why did Edwin say that this was true?
Chapter 18 questions:
1. When Garvey, Edwin and Cole were watching the whales, what did Edwin decide to do that evening?
2. Why wouldn't Garvey or Edwin help Cole build his new cabin?
3. What were some of Cole's responsibilities on the island to prepare for his banishment?
4. Who paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials? How?
5. Why did Edwin insist that Cole do the whale dance?
6. What does each person do after his dance?
7. Why didn't Edwin have Cole dance an anger dance to release his anger, yet?
8. Cole wanted to skip a day of going to the water. When did Edwin say he could do that?
9. Describe what Edwin had Cole do to meet his ancestors and why he did it.
10. Once the rock is set down it becomes your _____________. Rolling it down the hill what was Cole to imagine?
Grade 9/10
Both the essay on William Shakespeare and the essay on comedy found in 12th Night are past due. Short story is due Friday, May 1st midnight.
This week, we are working on grammar, and preparing for debates.
12 Media
Scripts, and story boards are now past due. Filming should be taking place this week.
12 Hospitality
We are working on Grand Manan atractions. Working in teams of 2, students will research two attractions on Grand Manan. Groups will present to the class on Wednesday. The class will create a photostory on one of the following topics: Birdwatching on Grand Manan; Rock hounding and geology on Grand Manan; Hiking trails of Grand Manan; Lighthouses and interesting buildings on Grand Manan; Churches on Grand Manan; Working on the sea: ferries and fishing boats on Grand Manan; Kayaking;
This is a short week, as students are not in school Thursday or Friday. Short stories are due this week for both grade 9 and 9/10. I would appreciate them passed in on-line, griffroa@nbed.nb.ca
Please have in by Friday midnight, May 1st.
Grade 9:
We are continuing with Touching Spirit Bear. Questions for chapter 15:
1. What did most members of the Circle believe should happen to Cole?
2. What information did Peter Driscal's lawyer reveal about his recovery?
3. Describe Edwin's demonstration for the circle?
4. What lesson did Edwin want the Circle members to gain from his demonstration?
5. Tell about Peter Driscal's lawyer's reaction when Cole insisted he had seen the Spirit Bear?
6. What new information regarding the white bears did Edwin reveal?
7. What conditions for returning to the island did Edwin suggest to the members of Circle Justice?
8. Why did Cole say that on the Island he "realized he was dying and I had never really even lived yet"? (Pg 132)
9. Why was Cole's father so angry and abusive?
10. What did Circle Justice decide to do with Cole?
Chapter 16 Questions:
1. Cole struggles physically with tasks that should be simple, why?
2. What news does Garvey break to Cole once they are back on the island?
3. What does Edwin do to the skiff that demonstrates a lack of trust for Cole?
4. What does Cole learn about trust?
5. Why is "the whole world a hotdog?"
6. What are the words to the friendship song Garvey and Edwin were humming?
7. Describe how Garvey's meal was different from Cole's'.
8. What did Edwin tell Cole to celebrate when Cole complained about nothing to celebrate about?
Chapter Seventeen
1. What kept Cole awake all night his first night back on the island?
2. What new experience did Edwin introduce Cole to at dawn? Why?
3. Describe Edwin's demonstration for Cole with the stick. What lesson did he want Cole to learn?
4. What do happiness and anger have in common? They are both a ____________.
5. Cole told Edwin that his demonstration with the stick made more sense than all the weird things the counselors and psychologists told him. Why did Edwin say that this was true?
Chapter 18 questions:
1. When Garvey, Edwin and Cole were watching the whales, what did Edwin decide to do that evening?
2. Why wouldn't Garvey or Edwin help Cole build his new cabin?
3. What were some of Cole's responsibilities on the island to prepare for his banishment?
4. Who paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials? How?
5. Why did Edwin insist that Cole do the whale dance?
6. What does each person do after his dance?
7. Why didn't Edwin have Cole dance an anger dance to release his anger, yet?
8. Cole wanted to skip a day of going to the water. When did Edwin say he could do that?
9. Describe what Edwin had Cole do to meet his ancestors and why he did it.
10. Once the rock is set down it becomes your _____________. Rolling it down the hill what was Cole to imagine?
Grade 9/10
Both the essay on William Shakespeare and the essay on comedy found in 12th Night are past due. Short story is due Friday, May 1st midnight.
This week, we are working on grammar, and preparing for debates.
12 Media
Scripts, and story boards are now past due. Filming should be taking place this week.
12 Hospitality
We are working on Grand Manan atractions. Working in teams of 2, students will research two attractions on Grand Manan. Groups will present to the class on Wednesday. The class will create a photostory on one of the following topics: Birdwatching on Grand Manan; Rock hounding and geology on Grand Manan; Hiking trails of Grand Manan; Lighthouses and interesting buildings on Grand Manan; Churches on Grand Manan; Working on the sea: ferries and fishing boats on Grand Manan; Kayaking;