Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21-24

9 English

We are still reading and answering questions on Touching Spirit Bear. Chapter 12 questions:

1. Why did Cole cry when the Spirit Bear left him alone?
2. The Spirit Bear returns and this time Cole's response is different. How? Why?
3. Why did Cole reach out and touch the bear?
4. What does the bear do that Cole didn't expect?
5. What does Cole discover about the world just as he was growing delirious?
6. Pretend you are Garvey, the probation officer, how would you feel finding Cole in the condition he was in? What are his thoughts?
7. Describe how you think Edwin responded when he first saw Cole.
8. What does Garvey believe happened to Cole?
9. How does he react when he realizes that a bear has attacked Cole?
10. What does Cole mean when he tells Garvey he is okay?

Chapter 13 Questions:

1. Who is Rosey?
2. Describe the difference in the way Cole treats Garvey and Edwin now and how he treated them in the first chapters.
3. Cole tells Garvey that the bear attack was his fault, what does he mean?
4. Edwin, Garvey and the nurse discuss Cole's condition and Edwin says that he'll be all right if he ever finds a reason to live. What did he mean by that?
5. Describe Cole's dream (nightmare).
6. Who does he call out for?
7. Garvey admits that he is helping Cole for himself. Explain.
8. Rosey gives Cole good advice. What is it?
9. Cole tells Edwin that he is done being mad. What does Edwin tell him anger is?
10. Why does Cole throw away his only proof that the Spirit Bear was real?
11. Write about a time that you were strongly impacted by an outside force. What happened? Why do you remember it? How did it change you?

Chapter 14 questions:

1. Describe Cole's physical condition at the beginning of this chapter.
2. What did Garvey persuade the guard to do as they were transporting Cole from the hospital to the detention center?
3. What did Cole's dad do for him during his hospitalization? His mom?
4. Why did Garvey warn Cole that the healing of his physical wounds was the easy part?
5. What has happened to the at'oow at this point?
6. What has happened to Cole's mom? Why is she doing so much better?
7. What information does his mom reveal to him about his dad?
8. What was Garvey's surprise for Cole at the Circle Justice meeting?
9. List the members of the circle who were missing this time.
10. If you were a part of the circle at this point - what would you have recommended be done with Cole?

9/10 English

We are finishing the unit on William Shakespeare's play, Twelfth Night.
We are doing a comparative study with the movie, She's The Man, loosely based on 12th Night.
Names of characters and types of comedy are the same in the play and the movie.
Unit Test on 12th Night will be on Friday.

12 Media

We are finishing our scripts and story boards for the 1 minute movie of a nursery rhyme.
We are looking at the Global community, and Canada's competive status in the world.

12 Hospitality and Tourism

We are finishing our unit on Food Service. Test on the unit will be on Thursday, April 23rd.
Our next unit will be on attractions and tourism.


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