Friday, September 24, 2010

September 27-October 1

Grade 9 English
Test for marks on Monday, September 27, on parts of speech.
This week we are learning about predicates, subjects, direct objects, indirect objects and predicate words. Tuesday we shall read another chapter in the story of "D" and answer questions on what is read. Book reports are due mid October. Novels should be finished being read by the end of this week. Next week we shall begin the writing assignment for the novel.
We shall be doing the following root words this week: duc--lead, bring, draw; dyn--power, strength; fid--trust, faithful; fin--end, boundary; flu--flow; fort--strong; gen--girth, origin, race; geo--earth.

Grade 9-C Social Studies
Test on Tuesday on continents, oceans, Canadian provinces and capitals east to west, Canadian territories and capitals, and ways geography affect our lives.
Essay on Geography affects Lives due on Wednesday at the latest.
Canadian Map due on Friday.

12 -2 English
Students are working on a paraphrase of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ending.
We shall examine ballods. Test for marks will be on Thursday. Friday we shall begin The Age of Chaucer.

11-0 Culinary
Test on unit 1 by Wednesday. Culinary business assignments must be finished by Wednesday.
Thursday we shall begin Culinary Safety unit.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 20th-24th

Grade 9 English

We have been reviewing parts of speech. We have done the following:

Noun is a part of speech that names a person, place, thing or idea.

Verb is a part of speech that names an action or a state-of-being (something exists).

Pronoun is a part of speech that replaces a noun.

Adjective is a part of speech that modifies (limits the meaning) of a noun or pronoun.

Adverb is a part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb.

Conjunction is a part of speech that joins two words, two phrases or two clauses.

Article is a part of speech that determines whether a noun is general or specific (there are only three articles: "a", "an" or "the").

Preposition is a part of speech that begins a phrase or joins a group of words to the rest of the sentence.

A phrase is a group of words that go together for meaning.

A clause is a sentence or part of a sentence containing a subject and a predicate that could be joined to another clause.

We shall also read another chapter from Letters from D and answer questions on the chapter.
We shall be doing more root words with examples, to build our vocabulary. This week we shall do:
astro--star, aud--hear, bene--good, bibl--book, bio--life, cede--move, chron--time, cid or cis--to cut or to kill, civi--citizen, corpor--body, cracy or crat--rule or government, cred--believe, dem--people, dic--say, speak or tell.

9 Social Studies
Maps of the world are due by Friday at the latest.
This week we are discussing how geography affect how we live: what jobs we do, what we wear, where we live, what kinds of houses we have, what we do for recreation and sports. On Thursday, students will write an essay on how geography affects our lives.

11-0 Culinary
Students are working on business plans to open a restaurant on Grand Manan. The plan must include a mission statement, goals, strategies and action plan. We are also working on types of ownership of businesses: sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation.

12-2 English
We shall finish Literary Period I by completing what we are doing with Beowulf. There will be a test for marks on Literary period I on Wednesday. We shall begin Literary Period II--The Anglo-Norman Period.

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 12-17
Welcome back to a new school year.
This week we shall read another chapter in the Letters from D series. Questions are on the sheet. We have begun learning about root words. So far we have four root words with examples: annu--year, anthrop--human being, aqu--water, arch--chief, first, rule.
We also have been learning about parts of speech. So far we have definitions for noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, and adverb.
A book report has been assigned for October 16th. The report will have a title page, 2 pages describing plot, 1 page on the main character, 1/2 page on setting, and 1/2 page on theme. The final page will be a reference page.

9-Social Studies
This week we shall finish our introductory unit on Canadian Culture. An essay is due to Mr. Griffin for review on Canadian Culture.
A world map has been assigned (0n computer or 1/2 sheet of bristol board) with specific places to be put on the map. Due September 23rd.

12-0 Culinary
We are looking at culinary as an industry. This week students are to do a business plan on starting a culinary business on Grand Manan. Students have taken notes for a quiz next week.

We have taken notes on the Anglo-Saxon Period. There is a quiz that can be accessed from home as practise for a test next week. A novel essay has been assigned to be done on the theme of a Canadian novel. Due October 16th. We are beginning Caedmon's Hymn, Dream of the Rood, and Beowulf this week.