Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24-27

9/10 English
Students need to be reading their novels for their essay on Character. This assignment is due March Friday 13th.
We have finished reading the novel. All questions--found on last week's blog, should be done.
Writing assignment: Write another chapter of the story. Use the same voice and style of the novel--1st person, from the journal of Promethesus (Equality). This assignment will be due Friday, February 27th. There will be some classtime to work on this, but finish at home if not done by Friday.

12 Media Studies:
This week we are examining Audiences: two types: Active audience, one in which the member of the audience uses media to suit his or her own purpose, manipulating the media for one's purpose. Example, remixing a CD, fanfiction. The second group are passive receivers of media. They are known as a target audience, term used by developers of media and by advertisers. There are four large groups of target audiences, determined by date born: silent generation: 1923-1943. Baby boomers: 1943-1960. X generation: 1960-1983. Y generation: 1983-2001. Y generation also known as the iGeneration, Millennials, Trophy Generation. These years are rough estimates, and depend on the source.
This week we shall be examining in furher detail Codes and Conventions, Ideology and values, insustry and Audience.

12 Hospitality and Tourism:
Practice Quiz is on line, under student links/Griffin/Hospitality/Quiz. secret work is "quiz".
We shall be working on our projects, of developing an accommodation business for Grand Manan. The project will have three parts: 1. Description of the project, (may have floor plans and drawings). 2. Prepare a budget to get the project open, including construction and renovation costs, furniture and supplies to open. 3. Operating budget: How much will the place cost to operate per year. 4. Income statment: how much money can the business bring into the operation. 5. Profit/loss statment (income statement-operating budget=profit/loss).

9 English
This is the last week for Fast ForWord.
Students need to be reading their novels for their essay on Character. This assignment is due March Friday 13th.

Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16-20
9/10 English
Students should be reading their own novel for their independent novel study. The essay on the novel is to identify the characteristics of the main or one of the main characters, and describe how the reader knows these characteristics: by what the character says and does, by what others say, by what the author says, and how the character interacts. For grade 10 students to receive the upper grades 90+, they also need to include why they think the character is the way s/he is, or why the character has that characteristic: nurture or nature. Did the character inherit that characteristic, or has something in the character's life shaped that characteristic? i.e the character is afraid of cats, because someone threw a chat at the person when s/he was a child, and the cat scratched and bit him or her, so now s/he is afraid of cats.
The class is continuing to read the novel Anthem. Questions for chapters are as follows:
Chapter IV
Discuss the appropriateness of Equality’s new name, “Unconquered.”
Chapter V
1. Equality understands that his invention will benefit mankind greatly; however, this was not his main motivation in conducting his experiments, and it is not the primary source of the great joy he experiences. Discuss.
2. In your opinion, why is Equality so interested in seeing his own image at this point in the novel? What emotion is he feeling?
Chapter VI
The old locks and lack of guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention indicate that prisoners never tried to escape. Why not?
Chapter VII
1. Outline four of the Council’s reasons for rejecting Equality’s invention.
2. What are the real reasons behind the Council’s rejection and fear of the gift?
3. What does Equality mean, at the beginning of the chapter, when he says, “We are old now, but we were young this morning” (p. 68)?
Chapter VIII
1. What is Equality experiencing for the first time in this chapter, and what does he feel as a result?
2. Explain why Equality laughs when he remembers that he is “the Damned.”
3. What does the Uncharted Forest symbolize in Anthem?
Chapter IX
1. On pages 93–94, Liberty contrasts Equality to his fellow men. Paraphrase this passage.
2. In this chapter, Equality questions the morality of his former society. Contrast what he was previously taught about solitude, good, evil, and joy to what he now believes.
Chapter X
1. Describe the house and its contents in your own words, and explain why Liberty and Equality find it so strange and unique.
Chapter XI
1. What great discovery does Equality make in this chapter?
2. Explain the following quotes in your own words, and discuss how they can be applied to your life:
a. “Whatever road I take, the guiding star is within me.”
b. “For the word “We” must never be spoken, save by one’s choice and as a second thought.”
What does Equality now realize is the proper goal and purpose of his life?
c. In what ways is “I” like a God?
d. Re-read the incident with the Saint of the pyre (pg. 50). What was he trying to communicate to Equality?
Chapter XII
1. Why do the main characters take the names Prometheus and Gaea? Why weren’t they allowed to choose their names in their old society?
2. What does Prometheus plan to do in the future?
3. Prometheus reaches the important realization that, “To be free, a man must be free of his brothers.” Cite several examples from Anthem that illustrate the truth of this statement.

Media 12-0
Students are to write a news story from the followin reporter's notes:
Small Cessna 1027 crashed at North Head Airport.
Happened Saturday night. 7:00 PM.
John Smith from Bangor, Maine—pilot. 2 passengers: wife, Grace, age 34.
Trying to make an emergency landing. Low fuel light came on.
He landed ok, runway too short, ended up in gravel pit.
Plane destroyed.
Wife had broken arm and leg. Daughter ok. Pilot concussion, in GM hospital for observation. Daughter taken in by social services, placed in foster care on island, until grandparents arrive from Bangor.
Pilot 48 years old.
Flying for 10 years.
Plane was a rental from Bangor Flying club.
Federal Aviation agents were on island Sunday afternoon to investigate. Agent Brown: “Too soon to determine cause of the accident.” Report expected in July.
This is the 10th crash of Cessna 1027. Most accidents were pilot error according to Aviation Commission Report published Dec. 2008.
The plane was insured.
Plane was 20 years old.
Crash was heard by Glen Gilmore, Island pharmacist. He was first on scene. Called 911.
Glen said, “It was a terrifying sight.”

Students are to take 3 pictures: one person in the class, two people in the class, three people in the class.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 9-13

9/10 English:

A. Major writing assignment of the term:
Novel study: students need to be reading another novel for an essay assignment on character in the novel. How is the main character developed by the author (by what s/he says, what s/he does, what others say, what the narrator says, how s/he interacts with other character in the novel. This essay only covers one character.

B. Continuing with reading Anthem, by Ayn Rand. Monday and Tuesday working with questions on Chapter 1, posted last week. Tuesday night, students should read chapter II of Anthem. Questions for chapter 2 are as follows:

Chapter II Questions
1. Re-read the account of Liberty 5-3000 on page 38. Which character traits are revealed in this brief description?
2. Find several examples of the ways in which this society tries to obliterate each individual’s mind (and self!) by quashing personal choices, desires, and values.
Contrast Equality 7-2521 with the rest of the men living in this society (pg. 46).
3. Of the whole range of feelings possible to man (joy, excitement, anger, embarrassment, etc.) why is fear the prevalent emotion in this society?
4. Start a personal glossary in which you explain the following terms: the Great Truth, the Unmentionable Times, the Uncharted Forest, the Evil Ones, the Great Rebirth.
5. A. What word is Equality struggling to recapture on page 49?
B. In your opinion, why is mentioning this word the only crime punishable by death in this society?

C. How does this word contradict the ideals of this society?

D. What could its rediscovery possibly lead to?

Chapter III
1. What does Equality discover in this chapter?
2. A. How important is this discovery?
B. Describe 4–5 ways in which it would help society, and make life easier or more enjoyable.
3. Outline some of the Council of Scholars’ beliefs, and Equality’s refutation of those beliefs.

12 Media Studies:

In class this week, we shall be examining codes and conventions built into media, and the effect on people. As well, we shall be examining who owns the media.
Check out this web site to better understand media ownership in Canada:
Make notes from the above web site, to capture a sense of the development of media in Canada, and how it has merged from hundreds of small media companies to large national corporations.

12 Hospitality and Tourism:

This week we are examining the Travel aspect of Toursim and Hospitality, first looking at the airline industry. Monday, learning the major airlines and airports in the world, and how they are identified. Tuesday and Wednesday, Air Travel Requirements and things passengers should know; Thursday: What planning needs to go into taking an airtrip, how to purchase an airline ticket, and how to check-in at an airport. Friday: Other modes of transportation, how to reserve motor coaches, and ferries.
Students will receive note for test on:
a. Major airline, and airports they need to know.
b. Things air travellers should know and Air Travel Requirements.
c. Packing check list

9 English:

Major writing assignment of the term:

Novel study: students need to be reading another novel for an essay assignment on character in the novel. How is the main character developed by the author (by what s/he says, what s/he does, what others say, what the narrator says, how s/he interacts with other character in the novel. This essay only covers one character.

For reading skills, students are working on the program Fast ForWord.

Monday, February 02, 2009

February 2-6, 2009
9 English:
Students need to select a novel to read for this term's novel report. Should be read by the end of February. This term, students will write an essay on the main character of their novel. Please NOTE: This term, the assignment is not a book report, but an essay on character of the novel. What were the character's personality traits, and how did the author develop those traits? DO NOT retell the story.
This week, students are working on Fast ForWord to improve Reading skills.

9/10 English:
We are reading the novella, Anthem, by Ayn Rand. Monday night, students are to look up words they do not understand in the introduction of the book.
Questions on Chapter 1:
Chapter I
1. In a well-organized paragraph, describe the society in which Anthem is set. Some areas to consider are the political structure, degree of technology, social relationships, quality of life, and education.
2. Would you want to live in this society? Explain why or why not.
3. In this chapter, Equality states that it is very unusual for men to reach the age of 45. Offer several possible explanations as to why life expectancy is so short in his society.
4. Copy and complete the following chart, and continue to add to your entries as you read each chapter. (The first entry is partially completed, as an example.)
Term and Definition ][Examples from Anthem (Try to find several examples per term)
][Why is this character or act condemned in Anthem?][Should it be condemned?Explain why or why not.
Under term: Transgression: the breaking of a law or oath.
Under example from Amthem: Transgression of Preference: Equality chooses International 4-8818 as his friend (p. 27).
Under Why condemned: They are taught that the individual is nothing, mankind is everything, and that everyone must be treated with absolute equality. To choose a friend is to single out, and elevate, one man from the group. Also, choosing a friend requires individual thought, personal choices, and value judgments, all of which are forbidden. They are expected to be mindless, and thus selfless.
Under should it be condemned: Personal response required.
Complete for the following: Sin, Curse, Crime, Evil, Damned
5. Clearly, Ayn Rand intended Equality to stand out from his “brothers.” Explain how she accomplishes this by contrasting Equality’s physical qualities and character traits to those of his fellow men.
6. Why does the Council of Vocations assign Equality 7-2521 the job of street sweeper? Is it due to error, incompetence, or a more sinister motivation? Explain.
7. When does this novel take place—in the past, the present, or the future? How do you know?
8. How would your teachers react if you had Equality’s “curse”?
9. Why do Equality’s teachers disapprove of his quick mind?
10. At this point in the novel, does Equality accept the moral teachings of his society? If so, why doesn’t he feel shame or remorse when he knows that he’s committing a crime? Find textual evidence to support your answer.
11. Would you want to be friends with someone like Equality 7-2521? Why or why not?

12 Media Studies:
Students are to create a history line of the development of Media, with references. Wikipedia is a place to start, but references are required in addition to wikipedia for support.

12 Tourism and Hospitality:
Developing lists of jobs in the Industry with expected wages. This list will be put into categories of jobs: Accommodation, Food Service, Conventions and Events, Travel, Adventure/Eco Tourisn, Travel Arrangement Agencies, Attractions, Association and Government Support for the Industry