November 24-28
12 English:
Students should be working on their Who Am I essay, due December 15.
Class will be reading "A Modest Proposal" by Swift on Monday. Tuesday, notes on 18th Century. Wednesday, an examination of Alexander Pope. Thursday, students will try their hand at writing a poem of 24 lines in Heroic couplet. Friday, Students amy work on their Who Am I essay.
Grade 9/10:
Students will write a test on the poetic terms we have studied so far. Notes on Figures of Speech. Tuesday: Notes and discussion on Sound devices. Wednesday, Notes on Rhythm. Thursday and Friday, students are working on writing a poem. The first poem is a 24-30 line poem on Grand Manan. The second poem is a lyrical poem about a teenager, themed about some aspect of growing-up or maturity. These poems will be due December 5th.
Grade 9:
Students are working on the Reading Program Fast ForWord.
11 Writing:
Students are working on a research essay. Due Nov. 24th. Students are writing an in class essay, topic: TBA