Week of March 10-14th, 2008
Canadian Literature/Grade 12 English Questions on “Lamp at Noon” for a test grade, to be handed in on paper, with a title page and reference page. This assignment is due on Thursday, March 13th, 2008.
1. What was the purpose of the setting to the plot of the story?
2. Does what Paul describe as his tenacity—his strength to stick to the farm in bad times—justify the end of the story?
3. Does Ellen have any blame in the death of her son?
4. Was this a story about difficult times during the depression, or a story about character?
5. Put the major events of the plot under the following topic headings:
a. Introduction
b. Development
c. Climax
d. Conclusion
6. Who is right in this story, Ellen or Paul? Is there a right person in this story?
7. What is (are) the theme(s) of this story?
Canadian Literature/Grade 12 Novel assignment: This assignment is worth 25 per cent of the term. Write an essay on the themes of your novel, of about 4-5 pages, typed, double spaced. What are the themes? How are they developed? (By character, setting, plot--conflict). This assignment must have a cover page, and a reference page--both in APA Format). The grade will be divided up into content--what you have to say, and writing skills--sentence and paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, capitalizaiton and punctuation. The assignment must be done by March 21st. I will pre-review it if you have it in by the 17th.
Grade 11 English
Quiz on Introduction of Literary Periods I-XII, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Test on Introduction of Literary Periods I-XII Friday.
Speeches are now overdue. Both orally and written need to be done.
Research Assignment: This assignment should be handed in by March 21st. The assignment should be 3-4 pages, typed double spaced, with a title page, and a reference page. The assignment should be handed in via e-mail, to griffroa@nbed.nb.ca
The research assignment should review the life of the writer, discuss the period in which s/he lived, discuss major works, and contribution to the Englsih Literary world. Make sure there is an introduction and a conclusion to the essay. Evaluation will be 50 per cent content, and 50 per cent writing skills: sentence and paragraph structure, and editing skills: spelling, capitalization, grammar and puncutation. This research project is worth 20 per cent of the term.
Canadian Literature/Grade 12 English Questions on “Lamp at Noon” for a test grade, to be handed in on paper, with a title page and reference page. This assignment is due on Thursday, March 13th, 2008.
1. What was the purpose of the setting to the plot of the story?
2. Does what Paul describe as his tenacity—his strength to stick to the farm in bad times—justify the end of the story?
3. Does Ellen have any blame in the death of her son?
4. Was this a story about difficult times during the depression, or a story about character?
5. Put the major events of the plot under the following topic headings:
a. Introduction
b. Development
c. Climax
d. Conclusion
6. Who is right in this story, Ellen or Paul? Is there a right person in this story?
7. What is (are) the theme(s) of this story?
Canadian Literature/Grade 12 Novel assignment: This assignment is worth 25 per cent of the term. Write an essay on the themes of your novel, of about 4-5 pages, typed, double spaced. What are the themes? How are they developed? (By character, setting, plot--conflict). This assignment must have a cover page, and a reference page--both in APA Format). The grade will be divided up into content--what you have to say, and writing skills--sentence and paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, capitalizaiton and punctuation. The assignment must be done by March 21st. I will pre-review it if you have it in by the 17th.
Grade 11 English
Quiz on Introduction of Literary Periods I-XII, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Test on Introduction of Literary Periods I-XII Friday.
Speeches are now overdue. Both orally and written need to be done.
Research Assignment: This assignment should be handed in by March 21st. The assignment should be 3-4 pages, typed double spaced, with a title page, and a reference page. The assignment should be handed in via e-mail, to griffroa@nbed.nb.ca
The research assignment should review the life of the writer, discuss the period in which s/he lived, discuss major works, and contribution to the Englsih Literary world. Make sure there is an introduction and a conclusion to the essay. Evaluation will be 50 per cent content, and 50 per cent writing skills: sentence and paragraph structure, and editing skills: spelling, capitalization, grammar and puncutation. This research project is worth 20 per cent of the term.