2nd term Assignments for Mr. Griffin:
12 Journalism: New assignments:
Mock layout for a magazine: Due November 16th. worth 3 per cent.
Class pages for yearbook: First one due December 12th, second one due December 19th. Each worth 16 per cent.
Video: Concept due November 23rd. Script due November 30th. Worth 10 percent. Story Board due Dec 7th. Worth 10 per cent. Filming finished by December 14th. Worth 10 per cent. Editing done by January 14th. Worth 15 per cent. Final video due, posted on You Tube and one copy pressed on DVD due January 16th. Worth 5 per cent.
Two yearbook/newspaper articles are due this term. Each worth 10 percent.
11 English:
Term Assignments:
A. Essay on class novel: The Mountain and the Valley: Due 5 days following the end of reading the novel in class. Worth 25 per cent.
Essay Topics
1. The use of symbolism develops the theme
2. Mountain and the Valley, is an exploration of death
3. Through the characters Buckler explores the spectrum of mankind
4. Setting plays an important role in developing theme
B. Short Story: 4-5 pages double spaced: Restrictions: Set on the Grand Manan Archepelago; main character must be 18 (16-24). No violent death, only naural causes. Theme of Good vs. evil (making the right decision). There must be inner conflict. Could have external conflict. Due December 3rd. Worth 20 per cent.
C. Independent novel study: Novel of student's choice: Due December 14th.
Read your own novel and write an essay on how the main character is developed. How does this character development help develop the theme of the novel. Hint: Does the character change or develop as the novel progresses? Worth 15 per cent
Characters are developed by:
What he/she does
By what he/she says
By how he/she interacts
By what others say
By what the narrator says
D. Oral presentation Student choice (could be a debate between 2 students) on Class novel: Due January 9th. No longer than 5 minutes. Worth 10 per cent.
E. Exam in January: Reading comprehension and Writing exam: Worth 30 per cent.
Grade 12 English
A. Hamlet essay: Is Hamlet a tragedy according to Aristotle's definition. Use AC Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy as a reference. 3 copies in the library. Also, on line. Due Nov. 23. Worth 20 per cent.
B. Who Am I essay: Body due Nov. 19th. Mind due Nov. 29th. Soul Dec. 6th. Life Goals Dec. 12. Finally due December 17th. Worth 25 per cent.
C. Romantic Period Presentation: Due TBA (No later than January 7th. This oral assignment is done in pairs. Worth 20 per cent.
D. Period test throughout term. Worth 15 per cent
E. Final exam. Worth 20 per cent
Grade 9:
Term Assignments:
A. Class novel: Touching Spirit Bear.
1. Wiki projects on novel. (Questions) Help with other projects on the novel. Formative evaluation.
2. Essay on Class novel. Write an essay on the theme(s) of the novel Touching Spirit Bear, or write a research paper on restorative justice circles. Research paper must have a book reference (see Heather Brown) or acquire books from library, and one Internet reference. This should be about 3 pages, typed, double spaced. Title page and reference page required. Due, one week after we finish the novel. Worth 25 per cent.
3. Project on Novel: other ways of representing: Worth 20 per cent.
a. A writing assignment: Single project. Write another chapter (prologue) to the novel. Must connect into the novel, be in similar style. Should be three pages, typed double spaced.
b. Construct a totem pole that represents this community. Piar project.
c. Write and perform a narrative song (one that tells a story), about the novel that explains the story to someone who does not know the story. Both the lyrics and music must be origional. Pair project.
d. Create a drawing or painting that is representative of an important moment in this novel. Develop this into a poster advertising the novel. Create the poster on the computer. Single project.
e. Create a video trailer for this novel as if a movie has been made of the novel. The idea here is to make people want to see the movie. Group project (3-4 people).
B. Short Story: Must be set on Grand Manan Archepelego. No violent death. Main character 14-16 years old, and s/he has red hair. Plot must have conflict. Theme must be easily identifyable. Worth 20 per cent
C. Grammar tests: worth 15 per cent
D. January exam: 20 per cent