Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 26-30, 2012

10 English
We are continuing with the novel Anthem. See questions and vocabulary below:
Chapter III:
1.  Does Equality 7-2521 think the Council of Scholars is blind?
2.  What has Equality discovered?
3.  Who worked with lightening in the 1700's to work with electrcity?
4.  Why do copper wires work well with his discovery?
5.  Why do you think Equality is afraid of his new knowledge?

Chapter IV & V:
1.  Why is it significant that Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000 gave each other names?  Why are the names suitable for each of them?
2.  Why did Liberty 5-3000 want Equality 7-2521 to repeat the term "Our Dearest one."
3.  What was the symbolism of Liberty 5-3000 giving Equality 7-2521 water in her hands?
4.  Should Equality 7-2521 share his invention with the world?
5.  Definitions:
  • brine
  • devise
  • abyss
  • conceive
Chapter VI & VII--these questions need to be handed in for marks.
Chapter VI
1.  Why had Equality 7-2521 not been in the tunnel for 30 days?
2.  Have you ever lost track of time, and been late for something?
3.  Why would Equality 7-2521 not say where he was, or why he was late?
4.  Describe Equality 7-2521's ppunishment for not telling where he was.
Chapter VII
1.  Do you think Equality 7-2521 should have presented his invention to the World Council?
2.  What was Equality's only form of escape from the World Council chamber?
3.  Make a prediction of how the novel will end.