November 5-9th
12-2 English:
We are doing the Shakespearean play Hamlet. The Polonius paraphrase from Act 1, and the determination of the climax in Act III essay must be in by Friday, November 9th. This is the cut off date for report cards. This week we should complete the play. The final assignment on Hamlet will be on the next report card. Thursday, we shall have the test on Literary periods 1-5. Once again, all assignments for this term must be in by Friday.
We are learning to write an essay. We have done preplanning, and this week will be writing an essay. Broad topics are sports, family and Internet/computers. Students need to narrow the topics, generate ideas, do an outline, and then write a rough draft.
11-0 Culinary:
Midterm will be Wednesday, on employment in the culinary trade, jobs in culinary, safety in the industry, food safety, cooking terms we have taken so far, skills needed in the culinary trade: math skills, language skills, and writing skills, as well as culinary skills. This week we shall be making homemade mac and cheese, and baked ham.
10-2 English:
Mid-term will be on Wednesday this week. Test will be on the essay--students will write a short essay--topics will be given in advance, grammar: parts of speech, uses of nouns and types of verbs, correcting sentences with errors, especially "you," the verb "to get," and mis-use of prepositions.
Notes for 10 English:
Noun: A
noun is a part of speech that names a person, place thing or idea.
Verb: A
verb is a part of speech that expresses an action, or a state-of-being (shows
something exists).
An adverb is a part of speech that modifies
(limits the meaning) a verb, adjective or another adverb.
Conjunction: A
conjunction is a part of speech that joins words, phrases, or clauses.
Preposition: A
preposition begins a phrase.
An article determines whether a noun is specific or general. There are only three: “the,” signifying a
specific noun; and “a” or “an,” signifying a general noun.
or Expletive:
An expletive is a word that shows strong emotion.
phrase is a group of words that go
together for meaning, but do not have a
subject or a predicate. Example: One of the boys won
$20.00. of the boys is a phrase.
clause is a group of words that have a subject (doer of the action) and a
predicate the action or state of being).
Example: Susan walked to the bus stop, but she did not get on
the bus.
12-2 English:
We are doing the Shakespearean play Hamlet. The Polonius paraphrase from Act 1, and the determination of the climax in Act III essay must be in by Friday, November 9th. This is the cut off date for report cards. This week we should complete the play. The final assignment on Hamlet will be on the next report card. Thursday, we shall have the test on Literary periods 1-5. Once again, all assignments for this term must be in by Friday.
We are learning to write an essay. We have done preplanning, and this week will be writing an essay. Broad topics are sports, family and Internet/computers. Students need to narrow the topics, generate ideas, do an outline, and then write a rough draft.
11-0 Culinary:
Midterm will be Wednesday, on employment in the culinary trade, jobs in culinary, safety in the industry, food safety, cooking terms we have taken so far, skills needed in the culinary trade: math skills, language skills, and writing skills, as well as culinary skills. This week we shall be making homemade mac and cheese, and baked ham.
10-2 English:
Mid-term will be on Wednesday this week. Test will be on the essay--students will write a short essay--topics will be given in advance, grammar: parts of speech, uses of nouns and types of verbs, correcting sentences with errors, especially "you," the verb "to get," and mis-use of prepositions.
Notes for 10 English:
of Parts of Speech
Example: The fisherman caught ten lobsters.
Samuel had a thought.
Example: The student ran ten kilometers
in the cross-country run.
The pie smells great. (It
exists in a good smelling state).
The girls were here yesterday.
Pronoun: A
pronoun is a part of speech that replaces a noun.
Example: That is my car. “My” replaces the person’s name.
Did John buy his brother’s
car? “His” replaces saying John a second
When John left, he smiled
at Susan. |”He” replaces saying John
Example: The truck drove past very quickly. “Quickly” modifies the verb “drove”, telling
how the person drove the truck, and “very” modifies the adverb “quickly”,
telling how quickly. Susan washed the very
dirty shirt. “Very” modifies the adjective “dirty.”
Adjective: An adjective is a part of speech that modifies
(limits the meaning) a noun or a pronoun.
Example: The tall boy played
basketball. “Tall” modifies the noun “boy”.
He is tall. “Tall” modifies
the pronoun “He”.
Example: The boys and girls all went to
health class together. (words “boys” and “girls” joined by conjunction “and”. Conjunctions must modify sentence parts of
equal value: words to words, phrases to phrases, and clauses to clauses.
Example: Three of
the boys were absent. “Of” begins
the phrase or group of words that go together, “of the boys”.
Example: The money is on the
table. The indicating a specific table.
A banana and an apple are
examples of fruit. A and An indicate
that any banana and any apple is a fruit.
Example: Ouch! I hit my thumb. “Ouch” is the expletive.
Wow! That was great. “Wow” is the expletive.
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