Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12-15
9 English
Novel Report is due by Friday at the latest--earlier is better. REmember the report has four parts: Plot--at least two pages, one character sketch--one page, setting--one-half page, theme--one-half page.
Continue to study definitions of parts of speech; this week we also have notes on proper use of pronouns: pronoun chart: subject form, object form and possessive form.
We have vocabulary from the story "Borders."
Study Root words: new root words are: gen--birth, geo--earth, graph--write or draw to record, grat--to please or thank, hem--blood, hydr--water.

9 Social Studies
Canadian maps are due Thursday this week. Make sure all of the information on the map is present for marks.
We have finished the Land Regions of Canada: Applachians, Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, Prairies Grasslands, Western Cordillera, Arctic Lowlands, and the Innuitian Mountains. We have begun a unit on weather.
There will be a quiz on-line this week-end for practise. This will include all work we have done this year. A test from marks will be the first of next week.