Chapter IX
1. On pages 93–94, Liberty contrasts Equality to his fellow men. Paraphrase this passage.
In this chapter, Equality questions the morality of his former society.
2. Contrast what he was previously taught about solitude, good, evil, and joy to what he now believes.
Chapter X
1. Describe the house and its contents in your own words, and explain why Liberty and Equality find it so strange and unique.
Chapter XI
1. What great discovery does Equality make in this chapter?
2. Explain the following quotes in your own words, and discuss how they can be applied to your life:
“Whatever road I take, the guiding star is within me.”
“For the word “We” must never be spoken, save by one’s choice and as a second thought.”
3. What does Equality now realize is the proper goal and purpose of his life?
4. In what ways is “I” like a God?
5. Re-read the incident with the Saint of the pyre (pg. 50). What was he trying to communicate to Equality?
Chapter XII
1. Why do the main characters take the names Prometheus and Gaea..
2. Why weren’t they allowed to choose their names in their old society?
3. What does Prometheus plan to do in the future?
4. Prometheus reaches the important realization that, “To be free, a man must be free of his brothers” (118). Cite several examples from Anthem that illustrate the truth of this statement.
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