Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 15-19, 2010

Grade 9:
This week speeches must be finalized. Book Report is due Mnday, 15th.
Test on Verbs will be on Wednesday. There are two practise quizzes on-line to help prepare for the test.
We shall also be doing anothr letter from D--this one from Vancouver.
We shall also add four new root words, and have 16 new vocabulary words.

Root Words: ten-tract

Ten, tent: to hold, keep, maintain
Example: untenable: indefensible, can’t defend
tenet: a principle, doctrine or belief
tenure: the holding or possessing of something (i.e. position at a university)
retention: ability to remember

the, theo: (God)
Example: theology: the study of god and God’s relationship with human beings
monotheism: belief that there is only one God
atheism: belief there is no God
theocracy: government run by religious leaders

tort, tors, torq: turn, twist
Example: tortuous: winding, crooked, twisting
torture: to inflict pain, agony
extort: to obtain by force
distort: to twist or pull out of shape

tract: to draw or pull
Example: contract: to draw together, condense
retract: to revoke, to recall, rescind
attract: to draw toward
extract: to draw out with some effort


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