Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 23-27

9 English
Midterm will be Monday. AIMS teting will be Wednesday.
We shall be beginning the novel Touching Spirit Bear. Questions for the chapters will be on the blog. Students will be given time in class to complete questions, but they will be for homework, if not completed.

Questions for chapter 1:
1. What characteristics do we learn about Cole? How do we know the characteristics (By what he says, does, others say, narrator tells the reader, or how he interacts with others). and on what page do we learn this?
2. Who is Garvey? What do we learn about him? Who is Edwin? What do we learn about him?
3. In what voice is the story told? (1st person, 3rd person, or omniscient)?
4. What has been revealed about the stting? (Describe)
5. Why do you think Cole has been in trouble?
6. What is restorative justice as you understand it from the novel?
7. Who was Peter Driscal? How did he complicate the conflict?
8. Speculate why Garvey kept visiting Cole?

Questions for Chapter 2:

1. Why was Cole being taken to the island in Alaska?
2. What provisions were given to Cole?
3. What is Devil's Club? Why do you think it was mentioned?
4. What four things did Edwin tell Cole to learn?
5. What did Garvey give to Cole to take care of? What do the Tlingits call this?
6. How did Cole receive instructions from Edwin? Why?
7. What happened to Cole's knuckles in his jail cell? What did he say happened?
8. What did Cole do when Garvey and Edwin drove away in their boat?
9. Why do you think Cole is so rebellious and defiant?
10. What did Edwin tell Cole about his treatment of the animals?
11. Write about a time when you felt defiant or rebellious. What did you do? Were there any consequences?


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